Well, this is the first time I have blogged in a very long time. I am a changed person since those days, thank God. I'm going to assume that you'd like a reason for why I am a changed person since aforementioned days, here tis;
- Not only am I dating someone, I am maddeningly in love with my companion. For his protection, seeing as I don't know who is reading/following me, he shall remain nameless, referred to as Love.
- I have a job, for now. It is rewarding work, in a way I suppose. I am an originator at a mortgage company. Basically, the bottom of the food chain. Exciting, I know.
- My father has almost entirely relinquished his secondary mode of transportation to me, other than nasty weather.
Now that you're up to speed, I've been the happiest person in the world since I started dating Love. He's really an amazing guy, I'm such a lucky girl. He's a lucky guy for having me as well. My life has begun showing signs of an upward climb. Getting better, I can only hope. I know for an almost certainty that I will never be single again, & I am overwhelmingly content with said information. Love is so amazing, his bed is my little piece of heaven, not in a perverted way ( although that is also true ;) ) but it is there when I need it, when I feel the world has failed me, failed us. That the fates have looked down upon us & spit in our eyes, stomping on our backs when we fall. He is always there to catch me when I take my fall from grace. He puts me right back where I belong, on my feet.
To be specific on why I am so happy with him, Love is not my ex. Who will also, for his protection, be referred to as Hate. Hate was a.. hm.. lets see, he was everything Love is not. Hence why his alias was chosen as so. He was just a flat out terrible person, looking back on our relationship. I wish I could have seen him in the light that I see him now, then. It would have greatly affected my decision when he asked me that lethal question; " Do you want to be my girlfriend? " I couldn't have known I was almost literally issuing a hit on my heart. Enough about Hate, though. I don't like talking about Hate, only when I feel he is relevant, which is never. Let's talk more about Love :)
I am an incredibly diverse person, just switched from Christina Aguilera to Tupac. Talk about diversity, Jesus. Lol.
I also have a diagnosed case of ADD, as you can most likely ascertain from this passage. I was just thinking about changes, they are inevitable. But, if you try, they don't have to hold a negative affect on your existence. Think of it like this, if you smile instead of cry, if you laugh instead of scream, admit your failure instead of ignore it, you might be a better person. Only time well tell, in all cases. Wounds heal, tears dry, even smiles fade. The clocking ticking your life away will be the only thing you got going for you before you know it.
I love Sublime. I could so easily blend into the beach life. I would love to lay on a beach ( under an umbrella I'm whiter than the clouds ) forever, with Love right next to me.
Well, I'll leave you with that romantic thought until next time. Enjoy :)
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